Pay by Credit Card
Does the Ohio Child Support Payment Central Website collect or store my credit card information?
No, your credit card information is not collected or stored by the Ohio Child support Payment Central Website. For security purposes, your credit card information is collected and stored by our credit card processor.
Can I charge child support payments to my credit card, if I am under an Income Withholding Order?
Yes, but income withholding will remain in effect and not be terminated.
If I elect to charge child support payments to my credit card, can I pay what a want?
Yes, however, we encourage you to schedule your payments in an amount equal to your current child support obligation(s) to avoid delinquency.
What do I need to do to charge child support payments to my credit card?
To make a non-recurring (one-time only) payment, click the One-time payment click here link on the I pay child support home page.
To make a recurring payment, click I pay child support at this web site, register an account, and schedule a payment.
You must have a valid e-mail address to use this web site.
What should I do if I don't have an e-mail address?
A valid e-mail address is required for us to communicate with you electronically. If you do not have an e-mail address, we cannot send you information such as a confirmation of your transactions. Free e-mail accounts are available on the Internet. To locate one, use any search engine and search for "free e-mail."
Can I split one payment across multiple credit cards?
No, you cannot split your payment across multiple credit cards.
What information is required to make a credit card payment?
The following information is required to make a credit card payment:
· Non-custodial parent's first and last name.
· Non-custodial parent's social security number.
· Non-custodial parent's Case/ Order number.
· Credit card holder's name.
· Credit card holder's billing address.
· Valid e-mail address.
· Payment method.
What is the CVV2/ CVC2 3 or 4-digit security code and where do I find it?
The CVV2/ CVC2 3 or 4-digit security code is an added security measure. It is used to establish that you are in possession of the credit card. Diners Club International, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa credit and debit cards have a three-digit card security code. The code is the final group of numbers printed on the back signature panel of the card. American Express cards have a four-digit code printed on the front side of the card above the number.
How can I obtain my Case/ Order number?
Your Case/ Order number is located on your billing statement. You may also contact your local child
support office for this information.
Is there a minimum payment requirement?
Yes, there is a minimum payment requirement of $1.00.
What is the maximum payment that I can make?
There is no maximum payment that you can make in one or multiple transactions; assuming your card
has that amount of credit available.
Can I make a payment for a non-custodial parent with my credit card?
Yes, you can use your credit card to make a payment for a non-custodial parent; however, you will
their first and last name, social security number, and Case/ Order number.
My credit card transaction was declined, what should I do?
You will need to contact your credit card company to determine why the payment was not authorized. The following are some of the reasons the transaction could have been declined:
· The credit card number and/ or CVV2/ CVC2 security code was incorrectly entered.
· There is a discrepancy between the address you entered and the billing address that is on file with the card-issuing bank. You must enter the billing address that appears on your credit card statement.
· A foreign address (a country other than the US) was entered. The web site is unable to process credit card payments with a foreign address.
· There is insufficient credit available for the payment amount.